MS Teams - UAC pop-up -MS Teams blocked by Firewall / Installation Issue?
Q: MS Teams - UAC pop-up -MS Teams blocked by Firewall / Installation Issue?
By default its using 80 & 443 but when you try and call or video someone the UAC pops up asking to allow through windows firewall (domain, private). If you accept or cancel it still adds it but as "Any Ports" but we want to lock it down.
PowerShell to open the ports:
$TeamsDir = $env:LOCALAPPDATA + '\Microsoft\Teams\current\teams.exe'
$firewallRuleName = 'teams.exe'
$ruleExist = Get-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName $firewallRuleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Set-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName $firewallRuleName -Profile Any -Action Allow
New-NetfirewallRule -DisplayName $firewallRuleName -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP -Profile Any -Program $TeamsDir -Action Allow
New-NetfirewallRule -DisplayName $firewallRuleName -Direction Inbound -Protocol UDP -Profile Any -Program $TeamsDir -Action Allow
Offce 365 DNS and Ports ( Global )
Diag MS Teams
GPO to Install MS Teams